Funeral planning: A guide for families at the time of a loved one’s passing
The following is a guide to use in the case of different scenarios.
If your loved one passes at a hospital, please call Salvos Funerals in your local area. To bring your loved one into our care we require paperwork to be completed. We will guide you through the paperwork and support you through the next steps as we care for your loved one.
At home
If your loved one passes at home, your first step should be to call an ambulance (or the palliative care team, if under their care). Either will provide you with some paperwork to allow us to bring your loved one into our care. Once clearance has been given from the ambulance (and potentially police, depending on the circumstances) or the palliative care team, please then call Salvos Funerals in your local area.
Once we have brought your loved one into our care, we will then talk you through the next steps and provide you with further paperwork to complete. We will support you through this process.
Nursing home
Please provide the Aged Care Facility with our details. The facility should contact us and make arrangements to bring your loved one into our care. Once we have brought your loved one into our care, we will then talk you through the next steps and provide you with further paperwork to complete. We will help you with this.